Family Therapy Anyone?
Spent the day helping a friend, so that was the best part of the day. BUT, What day would be complete without a Mom moment? Our house if full of furry critters, both big and small. Since we were out for the whole day, the big furry beasts were restricted to their crates, so when we got home it is a free for all of food, restroom visits to the great outdoors and rough housing to burn off excess energy. All of THESE actions are handled by the spouse because I am obligated to visit with the parental unit we have neglected all day (poor parental unit, insert pout-y face here). While rough housing with the big beasts (and by big I mean 100+ lb dogs) the spouse was on hands and knees stalking the Big Chicken Dog. Because of said stalking, Big Chicken Dog is barking as if we are in the middle of a full on invasion of aliens coming to kill us all. I am in the parental units house trying to visit with her neglected self and becoming annoyed with BCD's frantic barking, having no idea tha...