Of course I jest.. . . . . Or so I hope and assume?

General question... Would you be able to identify the sound of a stainless steel pocket knife being opened and closed over and over? "Snick"... "Thunk", "Snick"...."Thunk", "Snick"...."Thunk". You get the idea right?? This bizarre question will be given reference in the following interlude.

To recap, my reporting structure at my job has changed for the 14th time in 7 years. I am now once again reporting to the person I refer to as "The Serial Killer in Charge" or "Ramirez" as a nod to the infamous serial killer that most people would recognize the name for the reference it is.

I knew this change would bring about interactions, and I was hoping that for the most part they would be innocuous enough. Thus far, they have been. And THEN TODAY HAPPENS.

I don't want to make it sound like I am some amateur sleuth with proof that this person skins people alive, but the vibe is there. There is not one physical quality that would make it so I could give a face to them as a person that you would then be able to pick them out of a crowd. In reality they are a highly intelligent person and incredibly awkward in a conversation, whether group setting or one on one. By awkward, I mean laughing at something they say in the middle of the sentence without completing said sentence, and no one knows what the hell was being said, NOR is it remotely funny. So now you get the gist (for those of you that didn't want to go back to the beginning of the blog entries.

Ramirez, "Hey." "Snick"... "Thunk"
Me, "Hi, I spoke with <name of person I spoke with> and our data should be scrambled by tomorrow."
"Snick"... "Thunk"
Ramirez, "Yeah, I just got done speaking with him. I was just coming by to tell you that." "Snick"... "Thunk"
Me, "OK. So you know we are on track for Monday?" "Snick"... "Thunk" <insert blank confused and slightly uncomfortable face here>
Ramirez, "Yeah, that sounds great."
 (from this point on the conversation continued in the manner of usual business speak. The whole time, I am watching a pocket knife being opened and closed in a perpetual manner.)

"Snick"... "Thunk"
Blah blah blah. . . . .
"Snick"... "Thunk"
Blah blah blah. . . . .
"Snick"... "Thunk"
Blah blah blah. . . . . 
"Snick"... "Thunk"
Blah blah blah. . . . .
"Snick"... "Thunk"
Blah blah blah. . . . .
"Snick"... "Thunk"
Blah blah blah. . . . .
THEN the pocket knife is then jabbed in a gentle manner between  the edge of the material padded side of the cube and the wooden edging for a few moments, then,

"Snick"... "Thunk"
Blah blah blah. . . . ."Snick"... "Thunk"
Blah blah blah. . . . .Jab jab jab
"Snick"... "Thunk"
Blah blah blah. . . . . Jab jab

"Snick"... "Thunk"
Blah blah blah. . . . .
Conversation wraps up and Ramirez walks away. I am free to contemplate what I could tell was a completely subconscious behavior. I could tell from the manner it was being done that there was no intent behind it. But that being combined with my already paranoid feeling of being measured (yet again) to make an excellent Skin Jacket for said person. Yeah.......... A wee freaked out.

So for the first time in a while I got to have an UBER AWKWARD moment at the office. Thank you Ramirez for making the day interesting if not fun......


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