'Rent Blip

After a long week of three days where Wednesday felt like a week of Mondays. I am sitting on the couch in the 'Rent's house.

I am tired, and barely processing mentally at this point.

Conversation randomly turns to the weather, as the winter season has been full of WTF in that department. As I stated, barely processing here...

The 'Rent begins commenting on the freakishly warm weather at the Olympics.

The 'Rent: "Putnam said, where else can you go swimming and skiing all on one day."

My brain stopped listening after Putnam.... WHO THE HELL IS PUTNAM? I sat and thought and thought and nothing was coming to mind. I stared at the 'Rent with the Blank Face and she stops talking and says.....

'Rent: "What?"
 Me: "Putnam? Who the hell is Putnam?"
'Rent: "I said Putim."
Me: "Putim?"
'Rent: "Putin."

Um. I can't even argue. It is a five letter name and we still got it wrong?


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