Letter to Crazy. . . .
Dear Crazy, It is never pleasant to have a day full of good intentions that ends in a total disaster. And per the waterfall effect, it just keeps getting better. One missed item seems to keep falling faster and faster, collecting many additional items on the way down to crash against the rocks of expectation to shatter into a million little glittering shards. That is a bit much metaphor for a Wednesday morning. Let's just go with the premise that screwing up sucks. I hate to do it, you hate to do it, we all hate to do it. It is a human desire to strive to be perfect, or at the very least, not cause mayhem because you can't keep all of the balls in the air. I do not mean a catastrophic fail. I just mean a, oops I forgot to do Blah blah blah fail. More of a Shame Shame on you fail. I think it bothers me because I end up feeling stupid, or inept. I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, but I am not a stupid woman, so the shove towards public humiliation isn't making m...