the morning you discover your lemmingness....

Most people are sheeple, they wander through the world, at one point having had free will, they have surrendered it up to the masses to simply follow a stronger lead. Some actively chose this, some just kind of give up and let the tide carry them where they may. Some are born sheeple and will never evolve above it, nor do they even recognize that they are sheeple or there is a choice to change it.

I as a rule am not a sheeple. I have a rather strong opinion which I am more than willing to share frequently and verbosely. I am not necessarily a trail blazer but I don't follow unless I have made the conscious decision to do so. I did however have the lack of sleep induced realization that I am indeed a LEMMING.

I get into my little box of a car and hurtle myself down the road to a job that holds no joy, other than the side entertainment of odd moments and friends, and the check that pays the mortgage. I don't jump off a cliff, but it is a more sad little death of moment by moment loss of time, creativity, youth and vitality. Look around you while you too hurtle off to the cube farm with all of your fellow lemmings, ask yourself, is this what life has become? How do you change it? How do you turn around against the tide and press of lemmingness bodies shoving you ever more towards the cliff? I think it is the same way you got here, you take it one little step at a time in the opposite direction. I know we all have to earn a check however we do it. I am not judging anyone here, but we used to be a country of creators, inventors, pioneers. . . Now when someone does something NON SHEEPLE they are a freak, or a loser, or a "poor lost dreamer".

I say THE HELL WITH LEMMINGNESS. THE HELL WITH SHEEPLE. Start doing ONE thing a day that reminds you are alive and have a choice and can change. Even baby steps are better than blindly doing the same mundane thing over and over every day and letting your soul die a little more with each step forward. I know my goal is to make a change in my thoughts, (although I am sure it will continue to be snarky and cynical, I mean really, a lemming can't undo YEARS of training in a day).

Yes this is not funny or snarky, but I had the epiphany at 6:45 this morning and had to do the mental vomit to get it out of my head or it would have made me more insane as the day went along. . . . (notice MORE).


  1. Wait wait. You stopped me in my tracks with ... sad little death of moment by moment loss of time, creativity, youth and vitality. Add to that soul crushing ennui, and holy shit, I am living the same life! HOLY SHIT.

    **goes back to reading**

  2. Throwback Tuesdays!! Dress business formal on Tuesdays. Do you think the lemmings will follow?

    1. that would not be my idea of breaking away from the Lemmingness.


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