Little Salon of Horrors

I am not sure I have words to describe this experience. The only thing I can say is it was BF moments from the time we got to the hair salon. We being the 'rent, the visiting Uncle and I.

In some ways I actually get where the 'rent's mind is, that when you see yourself in your head, you don't see what the mirror will show you, but your own Image of who you are and what you looked like at some point in your life. Your brain has chosen this Avatar for you to always be there when you need a reference of self. I know mine is somewhere in the mid 20's and about 1/2 my current weight, but the concept is the same. Apparently the 'rent's is ALSO somewhere in her mid 20's with, more hair, no wrinkles (I can't even go here without sounding like the worst child in the world) and the ability to do everything she did back then. In other words, if my image is a FAIL, hers would be CATASTROPHIC FAIL.

For some reason she has decided that we are BFFs (and not blank face face) and that we must not only DO everything together, but EVERYTHING THE SAME. I get my nails done, she gets her nails done. I get my hair colored and or highlighted, well you get the picture. Let me remind you here, that SHE IS ON OXYGEN. Strong odors or chemicals tend to make her have a very hard time breathing. One might think she would grasp this concept and not try to hold onto youth so much as try to keep breathing beyond the next ten minutes. NAY, we do not.

SO. . . . . Here are are in the salon, I am getting my color refreshed and some highlights put in (which look fabulous if I do say so myself, the woman who does my hair is AMAZING) and the 'rent has decided that she too would like hair color, (please see note above about less hair). It is already all we can do to convince her to stop having her hair so short in the back because, poor thing, it is incredibly thin and she might as well be bald. But she will not be swayed and she wanted some highlights (this would have been tragic to say the least) so when prompted, I answered FOR HER and said just her normal color to give her some body and that is that.  Until.........

My lovely friend comes back to me to work on my hair after having mixed up the 'rent's color with a look on her face I can only describe as Shocked beyond words. This would be because, while she was mixing the color for both of us, the 'rent has taken out and put on a surgical mask like Nail Techs wear.

Yes, you read that correctly. She now has on a surgical mask. In a salon. With a cape around her neck. A. MASK. I can't even explain it, but one of my friend's said it best, she looked like "A nail tech from Men In Black." BLANK FACE!!!!!!!!!

Her hair looks great, and she seems to be OK with it, although I get the feeling she was upset that I put the ix-nay on the highlights, but she will get over it. But the process? I am sure there isn't a soul in the place who is not emotionally or mentally scared for life. That image is going to haunt me for a while. Maybe forever.


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