Sometimes life just gives the best gifts

Lately the 'rent has been pushing me to the edge of sanity with a gentle shove to try and help me over. I have resisted and last night made that self control all worth while.. . . .

Imagine if you will, a cool summer evening in the South. Bugs singing, a slight cool breeze blowing, a touch of humidity in the air, and over it all, you hear the sound of softballs being smacked with metal bats. Applause, cheers, groans. You get the picture. Since the visiting Uncle is a former umpire and loves to watch our nieces play softball, and they had a game, my evening was given over to playing driver for he and the 'rent to watch them play some summer co-ed softball. We would do this anyway since it is one of my favorite pass times.

We have a traveling wheelchair for the 'rent which fits in my trunk perfectly, but no, we are going to sit in the car and watch from the parking lot (we being she). One issue. This is your classic field set up in a park with four fields, home plate to the center of the square. Three of the 4 fields have decent views from the parking lots. One does not. Where are they playing? The field that does not. I walk down with the Uncle, find the girls, visit for a second before their game and then go back to the car to let the 'rent know her view is SOL. So OF COURSE, I must drive around the entire park to relocate to a place where she can at least see the field, if not all of the players' faces, since they look like dolls we are so far away.

Since we have no chair to wheel her closer to the field, she says, "leave me here and lock the car." This is where it gets really good. When I was driving around the entire park, and since this is the south, I closed the windows up since we have bugs that could carry my little Kia away of they so desired.
I parked the car.
I locked her in the car.
I went and sat in the stands.
Watching the game I suddenly see what I suspect is my car, having all of the lights flashing and loud alarm type noises emitting forth.
I get up and begin the long trek to the car and about half way there, they stop. I keep walking, and it starts again. Sure enough, it is my car flashing and blaring away.
I get to the car, and unlock it and the 'rent is in a state of panic.
Apparently with the windows closed, in the dark of night, with her machine giving her air, she got hot and started to panic because she couldn't get the door open or find the lock on my side. So in  a moment of panic she opened the door, (as she should have) and off when the car panic alarm.
When I sit down she says, "Talk about leaving your pets in the car with no air."

I know at this point, I should not have laughed, but I almost wet myself I was laughing so hard. She was fine and had her oxygen with her, and she opened the door, but she was frantic and embarrassed and she DID laugh at herself. It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. As I was walking towards the car she looked up at me like a little kid caught playing in mud or something.

So thank you life for providing me with the much needed relief valve, WHERE needed when dealing with the 'rent. It helped amazing well with the tension from yesterday.


  1. This did not end how I envisioned it! (And for that, I'm glad!)

  2. The 'rent took away my comment!


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