oh, well, I have no response to that

Our adventure begins with our intrepid cube dweller going to the Nail Salon to get her nails done. She is going to a new nail salon to save time. This one is right around the corner from her cube farm containment facility.

It is clean, well lit, quite populated even. The technicians are all polite, fast little beings that fly through pedicures, manicures. fill ins, full sets, eyebrow waxes, the list goes on and on.

Our dweller sits down at one of their tables. They begin the process of making her hands look pretty again, rather than the stubby little no nails she was sporting for a while. Half way through the mindless chatter that accompanies this transaction, since for some reason the technicians in these establishments all insist on small talk, the technician asks, "Are you mixed?"
The dweller responds, "I'm sorry?" (with the BLANK FACE, RCA DOG LOOK)
"Are you American or are you a mix?"
"Well, (insert really long awkward pause) yes I am, first generation American on my father's side."

And the rest of the appointment continues on. . . . . .

While they did a lovely job on my nails, and it is convenient and not too pricey, I am at a decision point as to whether to use their services again. I wasn't offended so much as just UBER confused.


  1. Just an FYI, if my husband were to read this, his response would be the same as mine: Ignorant foreigners!


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